Senin, 06 September 2010

10.6-inch Sharp - 3D image without the glasses

In passing now in Berlin, the IFA 2010, besides the multitude of smartphones, laptops, televisions and other consumer electronics are shown, and interesting innovations. Thus, the company Sharp presented the prototype 10.6-inch display with support for technology parallax barrier. That is, this screen is implementing a three-dimensional image that can be seen without the aid of special glasses. Panel resolution when operating in 3D mode - 640 x 768 pixels, and in 2D - 1280 x 728 pixels.

The display of this size can be used, for example, for Netbooks and tablets. It is possible that such devices will soon be released. For example, the console Nintendo 3DS already been shown that implements the 3D image, which can be seen with the naked eye. True, there is the screen noticeably smaller. In this case, 10.6-inch three-dimensional display Sharp still needs refinement before the final version, and it is not clear when the company was able to prepare a commercial sample.

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