Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010

Already by 2011: Yota create a new generation of smartphone!

Company Scartel, which provides services under the brand name Yota, seriously nastrolas to create a mobile device under its own brand for a fourth-generation cellular networks LTE. Already a tender for the assembly of the device and issue it planned in late 2011. In this case, first network Yota LTE standard will be launched in Kazan. Plans to create a mobile phone shared CEO "Scartel Denis Sverdlov. More precisely, it will be a smartphone operating system Android.

The operator will develop a design of the device and its assembly will partner company. According to Sverdlov, this device will be functional and cost $ 25-30 thousand rubles. Recall that at this point the allocation of spectrum for 4G network in Russia remains unresolved. They claim the operators of the Big Three and the company-novices. But Yota already has a resource for the construction of such networks.

However, regarding the draft Yota with its own phone expert LTE Mobile Research Group Eldar Murtazin skeptical. In his view, the machine will not be successful, especially on such a high price. To make such a conclusion, it is enough to recall the weak sales of HTC Max 4G - Communicator Mobile Networks WiMAX.

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